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SDG13 GSDS2021: Decoding 4Revs (= 4 Revolutions), a unique, co-creative ecosystem by Mr Jovin Hurry
SDG13 GSDS2021: Supply Chains as a Game-Changer in the Fight Against Climate By Ms Devika Perera
SDG13 GSDS2021: Opening Speech by Ms. Aparna G Kumar
SDG13 GSDS2021: The role of education in propelling climate action by Ms Abhilasha Singh
SDG13 GSDS2021: Climate action: a strategic imperative by Mr. Shalin Shah
SDG13 GSDS2021: Keynote Address by Ms. Dr. Kusum Kanwar
SDG13 GSDS2021: Keynote Address by Ms. Dr. Kusum Kanwar
SDG13 GSDS2021: Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts
SDG13 GSDS2021: Chief Guest address by Mr. Nirbhay Lumde
SDG13 GSDS2021: Strategic review of environmental and social integration SDGs by Ms Sheryl Owen
SDG13 GSDS2021: Global Governance and Climate Change in the 21st Century by Toluwanimi Oyesiku
SDG13 GSDS2021: Climate change denial and it’s impacts on sustainable development by Victoria Yates